spikes girls
volleyball tournament
On May 3, 2024 we will be hosting our fifth annual SPIKES Girls Volleyball Tournament!
This tournament is a safe environment for players between the ages of 10 to 13-years-old to practice the fundamental and foundational skills of volleyball in a competitive setting with athletes at similar skill levels. We seek to alleviate the stress and pressure that competitive environments can create. Our priority is offering the players’ an educational and enriching space to demonstrate their skills and gain confidence in their abilities.
This is a single-day, round robin-style tournament open to house-leagues, SPIKES programs, and elementary aged (non-representative) players.
let's play!
Teams can be made up of up to twelve (12) players and two (2) coaches. There is space for six (6) teams to register. Individual player registrants will be assigned teams as necessary or you may organize teams on your own prior to registration. This may be indicated in the registration form where registrants will be required to designate themselves a team name to be identified as throughout the tournament.
Programs may register more than one team with, at minimum, six players each. Each team must have its own coach and name even if they come from the same program.
To register, the cost is $300 per team. Individual registrants without a program affiliation and who have not organized a team on their own, must pay a $75 fee to register.
A $50 deposit is required at the time of registration.